Target group

This course is intended for:

  • Candidates who have an Information Technology background dealing with data-input, data-processing and system development,
  • Data-managers
  • Managers (overview, availability and accessibility of data & information on management level)


We are using the European and IOC guidelines on Data-Management as well as examples and

training experiences on European wide Data & Information Infrastructures developed for marine

environmental, oceanographic and industrial (oil & gas) Data & Information Management 





Training Course part 1

  • Data management in general, data-management techniques and -systems
  1. Appropriate overview of available data and information
  2. Availability of meta-data
  3. Insight in the quality of data
  4. Accessibility of data and information
  5. Data-management techniques and -systems
  • Data Quality Control
  1. Data Quality Control (data acquisition) procedures during in situ measurements (monitoring) and sampling
  2. Data Quality Control procedures related to laboratory research on samples from in situ measurements
  3. Methodology for drafting Conceptual Design of virtual infrastructure
  4. Backgrounds of Central Meta-Databases, Remote Access techniques, Common Data Index CDI (generic user interface for local/regional databases to search and have access) and meta-data formats
  • Composing of metadata formats
  • Production, submitting and import of meta-data records

Training Course part 2

  • Operation of virtual data & information infrastructure
  • Realization connection between virtual data & information infrastructure and infrastructure of local data source holders (databases)
  • Implementation of (semi)automatic procedures for updating and maintenance of CDI directory
  • Use of XML formats
  • Installation of Internet protocols for direct linking of CDI to local database system
  • Maintenance of the virtual infrastructure
  • Exploitation of the virtual infrastructure


3 full instructor led days



On request. Including: course handout. Excluding: board, lodging and travel



Clients specific subjects are open for discussion



Online or onsite


Starting date

In-person, 18 &21 April 2025, The Netherlands



Certificate of attendance



If there is sufficient interest, the course can – on request for a quotation – be given at any desired location.  


Thinking of taking this training with us? Please contact us for enquiries.