Law of the Sea - Extensive Course

Maritime Law, Law of the Sea and Law of Naval Warfare  


Target group

Target group Anybody with an interest in the legal aspects of the use of and work on the seas. This could include but is not limited to master mariners, ship owners, offshore contractors, survey professionals, government officials, naval officers and politicians.  


Preliminary training

No special preliminary training required. 



This course offers an introduction in the legal frameworks applicable to working at sea and ownership of sea resources and mineral resources on or under the seabed.  The course provides background information and insight into the international rules and regulations of Maritime Law to ensure safe shipping. Furthermore, the course gives a review of the primary articles and their application of the United Nations Convention on the Law of th Sea. Finally the course gives a historical review and current status of the Law of Naval Warfare.   


The following subjects are dealt with: 

Maritime Law  

Historic review  

Overview of applicable International Organisations (UN, IMO, IHO, ILO, e.o.) 

Overview of applicable International Regulations (Marpol, Colregs, Solas, STCW, ITU, e.o.) 

United Nations Convention Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)  

Historic review 

Guiding Principles 

Review of primary UNCLOS Articles  


Straits of International Navigation  

Archipelagic State  

Territorial Sea & Right of Innocent Passage 

Exclusive Economic Zone  

Enclosed or semi enclosed seas 

Protection of the marine Environment 

Continental Shelve  

Extension of EEZ 

Law of Naval Warfare  

Historic review  

Current Status of Law of naval Warfare  

Geneva Conventions  

San Remo Manual 

The Commander’s handbook on the Law of Naval Operations  

Principle considerations  



3 days 



On request  


Starting date 

In-person, 14-16 April, 2025, The Netherlands



Certificate of attendance 



This course will be given at any desired location. 



Thinking of studying with us? Please contact us!